Do you pull up an extra chair at a restaurant just for your handbag? Do you hog an extra seat next to you at the movies to set it on? I'm a little afraid to ask what you do with your handbag when using a public restroom, but if you answered yes to any of the other questions, you need to know about this new product we have received. It solves all of these problems (and more), is inexpensive, and doesn't look like it came from a greeting card store. Watch the video for more information!
The Clipa is strong - it holds up to 45 pounds. There is a non slip pad on each end that will keep your handbag from sliding off and will not scratch your furniture. Mothers of small children can use a Clipa to hang an umbrella or handbag on a stroller at the park, or to hold a diaper bag while changing baby. It even makes a great makeshift coat hook when a hanger can not be found! They sell for $20.
Available at Zoey Bloom in Tampa and on their Web site.