Here is where it starts to get bad. No longer can I deal with the drug store, "old man" styled glasses. My wife was even teasing me about them. I was wearing them on my face all of the time. If I was not reading, the glasses rested on my head. I was on a quest to find some with style and this is not easy, especially for men. One day, the president of Saks at the time, came in my office and plopped a pair of very stylish readers on my desk and that started my "collection". Now, I must have about 20 pair of them scattered throughout the house and office and life. And you know what? I am STILL finding myself without them.
About 6 months ago, on a buying trip, I found a pair of readers I that I could always count on. They folded up into a case about the size of a credit card, weighed nothing and looked pretty sharp. At only $20, I had to have them for our store. The moment they came in I bought a pair myself and asked my wife if she would keep them for me in her purse. This solved my problem once and for all. The glasses have become the single most re-ordered style in the store and I no longer need an interpreter when dining out!

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